Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Countdown begins

It’s official. I handed over the credit card digits. That audible groan you heard just a little bit ago was my checkbook. On March 27th the quest begins.
I fly from Dayton (OH)-Chicago(IL)-Tokyo-Bangkok. In Bangkok I'll arrange my own flight to Bangladesh. And then I'll make my way overland through Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and, on June 27th, fly home from Hong Kong.
The countdown starts now…


Anonymous said...

You need the "24" ticking digital clock sound to accompany your counter.

Kelsey said...

I hope the trip isn't so dramatic that the 24 clock sound would be necessary. Although, I am going to China and ol' Jack Bauer just came from shiny pretty screwed up. And it takes a lot to screw up Jack.