Worldwide Caution Public Announcement
Apparently, the world is littered with anti-American terrorists looking to mow down tourist with reckless abandon. Al-Qa’ida gets a shout out and the recent London plane scare is referenced along with bombings in Pakistan, Thailand, Egypt, New Delhi, to name a few.
I’m all for informing people that the chances of bad stuff happening in certain areas of the world are higher, but to issue a worldwide warning seems a bit ridiculous. If you are a person that wasn’t aware that people occasionally do bad stuff to other people then maybe this warning is very insightful.
But I think we all get that already.
Luckily you can always draw on your Jeet Kun Do training. Your basically a walking weapon.
Throw off what is useless and be like water, grasshopper.
Yeah, basically if you are a bad ass Jeet Kun Do-er none of these travel warnings apply to you.
Fear the dysentery, not the terrorists.
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