Half mummy half 3-year-old, Jared broke his leg while fleeing the oh-so-dreaded bathtub. He flipped over the back of the couch and landed on some kind of exercise wheel. Listening to him explain the whole thing is a riot.
We played matchboxes for about 8 hours.
I spent my Halloween fearing poop. Thankfully, there was none.
Holy Cow, Batman! I didn't quite realize how "plastered-up" the little squirt is. Someone should buy him a lot of toys. He can have some of mine. I have an inordinate amount for a 31-year-old.
Holy Cow, Batman! I didn't quite realize how "plastered-up" the little squirt is. Someone should buy him a lot of toys. He can have some of mine. I have an inordinate amount for a 31-year-old.
Yeah, so I accidentally posted the same message twice! Get over it!
Kal-el most have "forgot" that he already posted his message. Do you "forget" very often, Kal-el?
Kal-el doesn't remember squat unless it's the name of some comic book character's alter-ego.
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