In my last post I made a reference to Hummels, which confused one Mr. Don Sanchez:
"What the frick are Hummels? And why would I worry about trusting them with anyone?"
Well Mr. Sanchez, Hummels are 3-D works of art (figurines) that capture a very touching youthful innocence (they are ugly). And you should worry about who you trust with them because they are absolutely precious (worth boat loads of money to 75 yr old widower grandmas who on average have 75% of their childrens inheritance wrapped up in their collection).
If you want to start your own Hummel collection, bid on one of the over 6,000 figures listed today on e-Bay.
I'm bidding on Hummel #51 "The Village Boy" right now. However, I'm dreadfully afraid of those eBay snipers. They are horrible, horrible people. My favorite is Hummel #430 "In d'major". It is absolutely precious. Your blog is very interesting, though I don't know what to make of the manboobs link. Oh-my!
Good look with the bidding. I checked out "The village boy," very precious (scary). As for #430...is he/she sitting in a wheelchair blowing on a pipe- very disturbing and expensive. Almost as disturbing as manboobs.com.
i have some hummel's, the figure's have no name on the bottom just germany and mj hummel club also i have music box apple tree girl # 43586, can someone tell me maybe the worth, thank you in advance
this web site is ??? i have had no response to my question, i don't think you have anyone inquire about anything here since 2006, so i'll move on, thanks for nothing
You are ???? What kind of ??? leaves a comment on a travel blog about Hummels and expects an answer within 4 hours? If you visited the site's homepage, you would have seen that it has moved. Good luck pricing your ??? Hummels. I'm sure they're worth more than you could have ever dreamed and you'll be like one of the guests on Antique Roadshow -- all ??? your pants with excitement and joy.
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