THE PIC- My brother Kyle Water skiing at Lake Cumberland. Despite the punishment undertaken during step aerobics, I still went to Lake Cumberland with my brother and his girlfriend. It had been about 2 years since I had been skiing and it felt great...except for all the pain. Kyle will be heading to Honduras with me next Wednesday.

Is your brother a professional waterskier?-- that's one wicked-ass cut.
Yeah, he probably would have a real chance of turning pro if his head wasn't so big, and by this, of course, I mean literally and figuratively large.
Hey Kyle, or should I say anonymnous, you are so clever.
That's a typo on "anonymous" above. If you are an editor, which I'm sure you are not, please ignore any grammatical errors. Wouldn't it be a shame if you end my budding career as a writer because of one sneaky "n." I appreciate it.
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